I think that's it

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 2:11 PM
So, while moving my newly acquired hurricane to Bayuka the other night, it dawned on me.

I've done this before. Many times before. Basically, I've done what I reasonably can expect to do in EVE. I think I'm done.

Thinking back over the past two and a half years, many highlights come to mind
- I had a great start in EVE university. I still remember the great fleet led by Johnny Horsepower (Sabre A) where we hunted like angry wolves, constantly moving, constantly aggressive, and finally were rewarded a Haiduken interceptor kill.

- I single handedly killed a stealth bomber in my destroyer, thus making the aggressors drop a planned wardec against EUNI. The adrenaline stayed in my body for an hour.

- I taught multiple classes in EUNI, mostly on economy and trading, still popular on mp3.

- I enjoyed the sheer aggression in 22nd Black Rise defence unit (22BRDU) where we conquored 100% of gallente space in factional warfare. Once we hunted in lowsec and a target warped away from us. Immediately it was called on comms, "Target warped to planet 5, following at 0". A split second later, we heard "Following at 100", then "Following at 50". In less than 1 second everyone had figured out the best way to act to the benefit of the team, no one held back or were scared for their own hide, it was pure offense, offense, offense.

- I was impressed by the skill level in Agony Unleashed - some of the individuals are beyond human.

- I've lived in highsec, lowsec, 0.0 and a wormhole.

- I've been doomsday'ed by a Titan.

- I've FC'ed.

- I've done darkside stuff not for public eyes :-) Call Julian Assange if you're interested.

- I've been fortunate to join the Van Hemlock gang, in the 20 minuters alliance. Friendlier bunch you'd be hard pressed to find.

But all in all - I think EVE has done it for me, and I have done it for EVE. It's been good, interesting, playful, tiring, fun, frustrating, humorous. But for now, I think New Eden is ready to pass on to new generations. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you all enjoy it immensly.

Signing off
Dr Deus

Rings in space

Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 9:42 PM
Found this in Curse, never seen anything like it.

Here's a few close-ups - each ring is made up of a center Magnetic Double Capped bubble, surrounded by Stargate Explosion Dampening Arrays.

Add to that some ill-tempered neighbours.

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